Local Churches

The latest church and benefice news.

church letter

We are introducing an occasional healing service in Kintbury. One of the gifts that our new curate brings with her is that she led a regular service of healing in her previous benefice. She will be leading the services along with Bridin Warner one of our Lay Leaders who runs the Friendship Café in Kintbury, and who had a career as a nurse.

These are Bridin’s initial thoughts about being invited to co-lead the new service.
“I had never heard of a service of healing until recently, while attending the lay leader's course. I was interested. It was felt that I would be a good person to help lead these services…. I felt privileged.

I have known about Jesus all my life. As a child, I listened to the stories in the New Testament about the miracles Jesus performed and how he helped people, the wonderful story of Christmas which has always fascinated me, and parts of the Old Testament. I remember feeling great sorrow hearing about the crucifixion. How could anyone suffer all that pain? I also felt guilty that He died for me. I didn’t always understand it all, but unknowingly it was what probably influenced me to become a nurse. I wanted to help people.

I am not sure what a healing service would be like but am willing to learn. I would like to hope that people will gain some comfort and peace from the service and know they are not alone.

Faith is very personal and complex. I love God and try to serve Him the best way I can, but I have a lot more to learn about Him.’

So, what is a healing service all about?
It is a special time when we come together to seek God's healing and comfort. It's designed to support those who are struggling with physical illness, emotional pain, or spiritual difficulties. But there are ways in which we all could benefit from requesting God’s healing power.

When you arrive, you'll be greeted warmly. The atmosphere will be calm and serene, with gentle music playing in the background to create a peaceful space where everyone feels comfortable and supported.

The church will be set up with soft lighting, candles, and perhaps some flowers to create a soothing environment and the service will begin with a short introduction. The leaders will clarify the purpose of the service and set the tone explaining that this is a safe space for everyone. Short passages will be read from the Bible that focus on healing, hope, and God’s love, reminding us of God's power to heal and His deep compassion for all of us.

There will be moments of prayer throughout the service including prayers for specific needs, for the congregation, and the wider community. You may be invited to offer your own silent prayers or to join in spoken responses. We may sing hymns or listen to uplifting music to help us feel connected to God. The music chosen to reflect themes of healing and peace.

One of the central parts of the service is the laying on of hands. You may want to come forward to receive a prayer for healing. A priest or other leaders may gently place their hands on you and pray for God’s healing touch. Occasionally you may be offered anointing with oil as a sign of God's blessing and healing.

There might be a time when you can light a candle or simply sit quietly in reflection to connect with God in your own way; a moment to rest in God’s presence and to listen for His guidance and comfort.

The service concludes with prayers of thanksgiving and blessing, and the leader will ask for God’s continued presence and healing for everyone. After the service, you are invited to stay for further prayer or to talk if you need more support.

The goal of a healing service is to provide a space where we can experience God’s love and healing power. It’s a time to bring our burdens to God, find peace, and receive encouragement. Whether we are seeking healing for ourselves or praying for others, these services are designed to help us feel God's compassionate presence and to remind us that we are not alone in our journey. Please look out for them and I hope you will join in. Love and prayers. Revd Annette

Hidden God, you are known to me as absence more than presence
yet just occasionally the point of a needle breaks through the fabric of my life,
makes one perfect golden stitch and disappears again into the depths.
It’s not much, but enough to know that the thread is unbroken and for that I thank you.

Rachel Parkinson, District Chair, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District

Church Contacts

Benefice Administrator: Tamara Laing, part-time at the Benefice Office Email: wbboffice@gmail.com 07359 327072.

Inkpen: Charlotte Bampfylde (tel. 669285).
Combe: Tina Fiertz (tel. 668529), Katherine Astor (katherine@kirby-house.co.uk).

Inkpen graveyards on-line

For anyone wishing to view the details of Inkpen's graveyards, including burial details, grave stone inscriptions and the location of the graves, please click here.  Inkpen Burial, Marriage, Baptism and Birth records covering the period 1607 to 1837 can be found on the Inkpen history website, here.


It was hoped that by now the Revd. William McDowell would be in post as the Assistant Priest with special responsibility for us, Combe and West Woodhay. Sadly, his continuing ill health has determined that this is not to be - so the search continues. The good news is that to help Canon Annette with her workload in the Benefice Revd. Alison Dean will join her as a part-time non-stipendiary curate. As you will see from the pattern of services for the month given below.

We are again appealing to the many people who have given generously in the past and to others who would like to support the upkeep of our church. If you would like to donate to St. Michael's Church Inkpen, please do so using the secure website www.parishgiving.org.uk.

Your donations are vital to the upkeep of our beautiful church which so many rely on for weddings, baptisms, funerals and memorials as well as regular services. Thank you.

church services FOR INKPEN, COMBE and West Woodhay

Other Services in the Benefice are on the Website which is www.walburybeaconbenefice.org.uk


Sunday 7th July – Holy Communion at 9.45am
Sunday 14th July – Holy Communion at 8.30am
Sunday 21st July – Compline at 6pm

Sunday 14th July – Holy Communion at 11.15am

AUGUST (please be aware that services in August are subject to change).
Sunday 4th August – Holy Communion at 9.45am
Sunday 11th August – Holy Communion at 8.30am
Sunday 18th August – Compline at 6pm

Sunday 11th August – Morning Prayer at 11.15am
Sunday 25th August – Morning Prayer at 11.15am

catholic services

Our Lady of Lourdes, Priory Road, Hungerford RG17 0AF Parish Priest - Fr Zbigniew Budyn 01635 40332

Sunday Mass - every Sunday at 9.00am
Weekday Mass - every Wednesday at 10.00am


A victorian view - now and then

The images of St. Michael's past and present are shown here

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