Parish Council Report issued by our ward
members is available
Inkpen Annual Parish Meeting:
The Inkpen Annual Parish Meeting was held on Tuesday 25th April 2023
– this is an annual meeting as advertised on the notice boards and
website, when Councillors meet residents in the Parish to review the
activities over the past year and respond to questions. A copy of
the reports on activities of the Parish Council and the Inkpen
Memorial Playing Field Trust, for which the Parish Council is both
the Corporate and Custodian Trustees, are placed on this website for
reference following the meeting.
West Berks Benefits: Find out about Housing Benefit, Council Tax
Reduction, Winter Fuel Payment and benefit fraud, as well as our
benefits calculator at or call
01635 551111
Help and support with heating your home during the cold weather:
Winter Fuel Payments are a payment managed by central Government to
help people born before 25 September 1957 with their winter heating
costs. Central government can also provide Cold Weather Payments.
These are paid automatically to people who get certain benefits.
Help and advice line 0800 731 0160
Upcoming Planning Applications:
24/02693/HOUSE 6 Great Common Inkpen Hungerford RG17 9QR. Amendment
of the existing floorplan as shown in the proposed drawings. New
external door to the side of the property for access. Installation
of window to side of property for new bathroom layout. Re-render and
insulation to the front and side of the property and timber style
cladding to the back of the property. Roof lantern/light
installation to the existing flat roof.
24/02792/HOUSE Barn West of The Old Rectory Lower Green Inkpen
Repair and light-touch upgrading to barn and re-landscaping works to
24/02793/LBC Barn West of The Old Rectory Lower Green Inkpen
Repair and light-touch upgrading to barn and re-landscaping works to
Parish Council and Planning Meetings are displayed on the notice
boards outside the Crown & Garter Pub and on the Lower Green
Triangle and online on the Inkpen Residents Facebook page and at
Both Council and Planning meetings are open to the public so please
feel free to attend if you wish to raise any parish issues or have
any comments on any village planning applications. Parish meeting
now have an open forum session which allows villagers to raise any
issues, ideas, and questions.
Inkpen Parish Council can be contacted at
Speeding and changes in the Highway Code:
Speeding continues to be a problem in all rural areas including
Inkpen. WBC will be carrying out some monitoring in Inkpen
shortly. Please keep your speed down and be alert to the wildlife,
dog walkers, children going to school, older residents, ramblers and
horses that are also using the road.
West Berkshire Choice Based Lettings Scheme
Please be aware a property in Inkpen will be advertised through the
West Berkshire Choice Based Lettings Scheme, Homechoice, on Thursday
28th November 2024. This is a social rent property being advertised
in accordance with a section 106 agreement.
The details are as follows: Bracken Copse, Inkpen There are two,
two-bedroom properties: The properties are:
2 bed houses, suitable for 4 persons with garage, own garden, and
allocated parking.
Only households who are registered on the Common Housing Register
will be eligible to bid on this property. If you are not already on
the Common Housing Register and you are interested in the above
property, you will need to be registered with us by Monday 2nd
December 2024. To register before this date, please complete an
application form online at and then
call the Housing Allocations Team on 01635 519530 option 1 to
discuss your application. We will then assess your eligibility and
application, allocating a banding according to your housing
circumstances. In allocating this particular property, West
Berkshire Council have to adhere to a strict criteria. This criteria
gives households currently resident in Inkpen, highest priority.
Please feel free to contact the Housing Allocations Team on 01635
519530 option 1 if you require further information on any of the
above. Further information on Home Choice West Berks can be found at
Wildlife: if you are cutting back long grass or trimming
foliage in the garden please check for the wildlife first –
hedgehogs, birds nesting, (season ends at the end of August)– please
check carefully not to disturb the habitat. Remember the wildlife
need water when the weather is hot and dry.
Mobile Library Dates are: The mobile library van will call at
Inkpen on 2nd and 23rd July and 13th August. The van stops at:
Craven Rd. Inkpen 2.20-2.50pm and at Inkpen School at 3.05 – 4pm.
West Berkshire Covid and Recovery Survey:
This is open until Tuesday 14th May and seeks feedback on your
experience in response to Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery.
All responses are treated in confidence but will inform and
strengthen and be better prepared for the next event. The survey is
on the West Berks website
Local Nature Recovery Strategy:
Everyone can take part – sadly nature is in decline with the loss of
many habitats and species from our landscape and we now need to
restore nature and why a nature recovery strategy is developing.
Complete the survey on line: or visit the
website to find out more
If you spot a problem with litter in a public place please report
WBC Local Plan Examination Update:
The hearing sessions are due to commence at 9.3am on Wednesday 8th
May 2024 within Shaw House, Church Rd. Newbury. If you wish to
participate in any of the Hearing discussions, please let the
programme officer know in advance. All details can be found on the
WBC website
The government has announced an £8.3b boost for roads - the
WBC funding package includes £679,000 additional road repair
funding. If you are aware of potholes that need fixing, please
contact WBC directly by email:
Roadside hedgerows are the responsibility of the landowner and if
you have hedge bordering the roadside, please ensure that it does
not affect visibility for drivers and avoids reducing the narrow
road for passing cars. We value all our hedges and should avoid
cutting in the nesting season from March to August; please check
first if you have nesting birds.
Farming/Hedgerows and Climate Change
A new report will be launched in December highlighting the
importance of hedgerows in the countryside and their vital
contribution to the effects of climate change; a year-round habitat
for nesting and hibernation and an abundance of plant life, insects,
birds and other wildlife. Hedgerows are characteristic of Inkpen
ref. Inkpen Village Design Statement.
Flooding of Roadside Ditches
We are already experiencing areas of flooding in Inkpen where work
is needed to clear the ditches on the roadside. If the ditch borders
your property, you are the Riparian Ditch landowner’ who is
responsible for the watercourse and drainage, to channel water to
prevent flooding. The ditches must not be used for dumping rubbish
or fallen trees. Full details and a leaflet on Riparian ditches is
available are on the WBC website:
Cost of living support for pensioners through Household
Support Fund
WBC is also £200k to four local charities to help pensioners
with the significantly rising costs of living. Available via the
Household Support Fund, which is provided by the Department for Work
and Pensions (DWP). his funding forms part of a bigger grant of
£694k received during the pandemic to support vulnerable households
most in need of help with rising living costs and free school meal
vouchers (with pensioners among those likely to be most affected,
some of the grant stipulates that money needs to be set aside
specifically for residents of pensionable age).
Ash dieback
Ash dieback is prevalent across most of West Berkshire. With
nearly 10,000 ash trees across the district, an annual summer survey
is carried out to monitor the Ash population and, where trees are
identified as needing work, this is then carried out. If you are
concerned about an Ash tree or group of trees, please contact WBC.
Conservation Area Appraisal:
The Parish Conservation Area appraisal was discussed at the Parish
Council meeting to update and identify special areas and those of
historic interest of the conservation area is required in
conjunction with the Inkpen History Group. This appraisal details
what makes an area special and will guide the character and
appearance of development in the area and inform the determination
of planning applications.
Bedwyn Trains Passenger Group:
The Paddington direct IET off-peak services are permanently being
axed from May and replaced by diesel shuttle services to Newbury. It
represents a significant downgrading of the train services from
Kintbury & Hungerford to possibly as few as two direct London
services a day and at other times the very real prospect of being
stranded at Newbury for an hour when the evening connection back
fails. If you use the local rail service and wish to know more,
please contact Steve Smith and be added to the email list:
Land Grabbing in Inkpen:
There have a few cases notified recently to the Parish Council where
residents seek to extend their garden curtilage into the Inkpen open
countryside/paddock land. Inkpen is located within the AONB and
conserving the open landscape and scenic beauty is of paramount
importance – any development needs to respect and enhance the
character and appearance of the area. All applications for extension
of the curtilage requires planning permission and must be referred
to West Berkshire Council. Any incidents of encroachment will be
notified to West Berkshire Council for investigation and
enforcement. Effective planning enforcement is important to maintain
public confidence and to ensure that we ‘enhance and conserve’ the
open aspect of the Inkpen countryside for the enjoyment of all
residents and visitors to the area.
Fire Safety
The Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service (rbfrs) has recently
updated its website ( ) with fire safety content and
gives handy hints on what to do in an emergency situation – we all
hope it will never happen but if a fire starts in your home, you
need to know what to do – it could save your life ! Don’t
investigate the fire or try to tackle it; dont look for valuables,
jewellery, documents, photographs or whatever; only open the doors
you need to; crawl out if there is smoke – smoke is poisonous and
can kill and keep low where the air is cleaner. Call 999 and don’t
go back in leave it to the professional fire and rescue service.
Thames Valley Police
Thames Valley Police are keen for your help in reporting any areas
where you feel unsafe in the District. There is a new pilot service
called StreetSafe hosted via the Met Police website where issues can
be reported. StreetSafe is a service for anyone to anonymously tell
the police about public places where you have felt, or feel unsafe,
because of environmental factors e.g. vandalism and/or because of
certain behaviours e.g. being followed or verbally abused.
Please make reports via the following link: StreetSafe |
Metropolitan Police (see at the end the home page where is says: ‘No
– Continue to StreetSafe’) Please note that StreetSafe is not a
replacement for reporting crime or incidents this should still be
done via 101 or online.
Fly tipping:
Fly tipping has not ceased & is illegal: the trees in Folly Rd.
are covered by a Tree Protection Order and are in danger of disease
affecting the roots due to decomposing vegetation. Please help to
protect the environment by not fly-tipping and disposing of waste
responsibly. Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence. Cases of
fly-tipping need to be reported to the local authority.
New Government Planning Policies:
New requirements have been set out by Government in the updated and
published NPPF 2021 (National Planning Policy Framework) and in the
new National Model Design Code documents, which sets out that new
development needs to reflect local character, as well as protecting
and enhancing the environment and mitigate climate change.
Improvements to biodiversity should also be integrated into design.
Development, which is not well designed or fails to reflect local
character/design is liable to be refused. Permission should be
refused for major development within the AONB other than in
exceptional circumstances. An important insertion is the
contribution that trees make to the character and quality of the
environment. For reference
Dog Warden:
If anyone has issues with dog fights, dog fouling etc etc. the
Public Protection Partnership has arranged for the animal warden to
be contacted on 01635 519171 to discuss specific issues or problems
that you may have.
The agendas and minutes of past council meetings, financial
information, details of the council Code of Conduct, register of
Interests of councillors, grant application forms
etc. can be found here.
defibrillator awareness
If you can't attend the Inkpen training event, visit the St.
John's Ambulance website.
climate change
It is down to us to see how we can make a difference
individually and as a community.