your guide to the latest events in Inkpen
Inkpen Food and Craft Market is planning to start up again on
20th June - under new management. Mark it in your diary and be
sure to come along - it's continuation will depend on how well it
is supported.
For the first month some stalls may have to be outside to comply
with Covid rules but thereafter hopefully in the Village Hall as
before. If anyone is interested in having a stall please contact
Should anyone wish to give me a helping hand in running the market
on the day, please let me know. Thanks, Debbie.
Stitch and Knit WILL return but safety and health must be the priority.
Regrettably, we have little to report as, like many of the local
clubs, our meetings have been put on hold. With the easing of
restrictions, we hope to be up and running soon with a few
modifications to our arrangements to minimise any risk from Covid
(well, I'm not so sure about the running but we will try to walk
New members are always welcome. If you would like more information
then give me a call Sandy on Inkpen 668336 or email -