Website updated - 1 JUly '24


Inkpen Parish Council is the corporate trustee for the Inkpen Memorial Playing Field Trust. The IMPFT has its own website and this can be found at http://impft.co.uk. All bookings, events schedule etc. is available on the impft website.



The Bulletin
To download your copy of the latest Bulletin click here.

The Hungerford and Kintbury Ward news can be found here.

July Pop-In Café

The café has been going for 9 months and is getting established. Now that the summer appears to have arrived the folding doors are open wide and there’s a chance to sit outside and watch the swallows swooping over the cut grass. Not quite mediterranean but the English equivalent.

As always, the café is open on the first and third THURSDAY of each month, so 4th & 18th of July, and the 1st and 15th of August, from 10am to 12.30 at the Inkpen pavilion. Come and enjoy the much sought after cake or biscuits, with a cup of drinking chocolate, tea or coffee. Make a date in your diary. All comers are welcome. If you are in the history group or a stargazer, this is a good place and time to meet and share.

We now have a sizeable group, around 20, ready for this autumn’s stargazing. And almost all are signed up to the group app so that it’s easy for members to communicate with one another.

Those interested in sunspots can view todays eruptions here https://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/sunspots/. For the moon it’s https://moonphases.co.uk/. And for the planets https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/night/@2648147.

But there’s no substitute for viewing the night sky directly, so if you are interested come to our next meeting at the Inkpen pavilion, 7:30 on Friday 12th July. We’ll be demonstrating remote viewing using your own telescope and an image capture device. Don’t miss out.
Going for a walk
If you want a breath of fresh air and some exercise, check out the Inkpen walks, but keep your distance from others, that's at least 6 feet apart in old money. If you feel that you should wear a face mask when outdoors, then checkout the design given on the News page.

On the news page this month there are a number of updates including from the Inkpen Primary School and pre-school, from the Playing field trust and Village Hall, and there's this months Police Report .

Climate change issues.
The IMPFT, the playing field trust, is in the process of installing solar panels and a key entry system. The trust, chaired by Brian Cox, is aware of the need to reduce its carbon footprint and is making what progress it can. The solar panels are clearly there to reduce the trust's reliance on fossil fuel energy, and to feed whatever extra is generated back into the grid. The key entry system is there to make sure energy is only consumed when the facilities are in use. Many of you are choosing to adopt private energy saving measures - the trust is focused on trying and do the same.

We are depending on renewables to help us get to net-zero carbon emissions. If you'd like to see what contribution renewables are making on a daily basis, have a look here.

Please give us a hand – Oak Trees in Inkpen
We need your help to measure oak trees. Measuring tree girths helps us to evaluate changes that have taken place in Inkpen and enable future researchers to evaluate the effect of climate change on tree growth and distribution. This is work of real value, be part of it. Go to inkpenhistory.uk to find out more.

inkpen parish council

All council business is shown on the 'Council' page which is selectable via the menu at the top.

Speeding in Inkpen
Please follow the link to find out what you can do to help. Click here.

Clerk to Inkpen Parish Council
Inkpen Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Clerk/RFO. This part-time position is vital to the efficient functioning of the Council, with responsibilities including:
• Managing the Council’s finances
• Preparing meeting agendas and supporting papers
• Attending meetings and providing regulatory advice
• Taking minutes and completing administrative actions arising

Good literacy, numeracy, and IT skills are essential to the role, as are the personal qualities of integrity, discretion, and impartiality. The postholder must be a good communicator, well-organised, self-motivated, and confident with basic accounting, record-keeping, scheduling, and correspondence.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate a successful track record in administrative roles with financial responsibilities. A working knowledge of parish council and trust procedures and/or public sector administration is also desirable.

The hours are 20 per month but may be increased temporarily with the agreement of the Council. The starting salary will be in accordance with the appropriate national pay scale for clerks of local councils. The post is home-based, and there is no requirement for the Clerk to live in Inkpen. Apart from attending meetings, the appointee will work from home and must be able to provide a secure facility for keeping documents, including IT backup.

Meetings of the Parish Council are normally held a minimum of six times a year in the evenings.

Inkpen is a small parish with just under 700 people on the electoral register. The Council comprises seven members and is also the custodian trustee of the Inkpen Playing Fields Memorial Trust charity.

Persons wishing to apply for this position should send their CV and a covering letter by email to inkpenparishcouncil@gmail.com.

Parish Council Information including planning updates, an archive of previous minutes and agendas, and dates for up-coming meetings are shown . In addition, there are updates on environmental issues, library services and other services.

There's a register of Councillor's details and interests, Council financial reports, details of the Code of Conduct, and application forms for village groups to apply for the limited Parish Council grants here.

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Click on the MENU button to navigate to the particular pages of interest. Some pages are updated more often than others depending on level of new information.

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Updated 14th Sept 2023
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