Website updated - 1 January '25

a Happy New Year to you All!

THE IMPFT - Inkpen Parish Council is the corporate trustee for the Inkpen Memorial Playing Field Trust. The IMPFT has its own website and this can be found at All bookings, events schedule etc. is available on the impft website.



The Bulletin
To download your copy of the latest Bulletin click here.

The Hungerford and Kintbury Ward news can be found here.

CAROL SINGING ON THE GREEN - Lower Green 10th December 6.30pm
Join us for Carol singing on the Green at Lower Green on December 10th at 6.30pm. Mulled wine and alcohol-free hot toddy to keep throats lubricated. We'll collect in aid of Inkpen School's Outdoor Play Area project. Look forward to seeing you on the 10th.

Inkpen History Society Meeting
We held a limited dowsing day on Saturday 16th. The site chosen was an unused and rather overgrown site with only a very distant history of buildings.

Two things come out of the dowsing survey. Firstly different dowsers get similar responses at very close GPS points. Secondly, whatever you think of dowsing, the results suggest that it works, however weird that may seem.

For the history group, the technique offers a cheap way of searching for hidden underground structures. Since we don’t have access to expensive and technically demanding ground based geophysics equipment this might be an alternative. Our next move is to carry out excavation of the site of some of the stronger dowsing responses to see what that reveals. Volunteers are most welcome! Please contact us at if you’d like to have a go at digging up the past. Our next meeting will be in the New Year and announced on the Inkpen History Society website, (not Keep an eye out – the announcement will be at least a fortnight before the date of the meeting.

Happy Christmas and New Year.

November Pop-In Café

We know how expensive heating is and the price of everything is going up … except at the Pop-In cafe. So come and get warm, have some tea or coffee and cake. You can sit on your own or join in one of the many conversations. The cafe is open from 10 till 12:30 giving most of us plenty of time to put the world to rights. There’s loads of off road parking and if you’re out for a walk you’ll be able to find a route that intersects with the Inkpen playing field pavilion.

Remember, the cafe is on the first and third Thursday’s of each month EXCEPT FOR THIS COMING JANUARY. Because the first Thursday in January is on the 2nd, the day after New Year’s Day, we will skip the 2nd and start again on the 16th. There after it’s back to the first and third Thursday’s of each month.

We will try and make the cafe as festive as possible for the two December meetings. You can do the same. Bring some sparkle. We’re open on the 5th an 19th of December, the 16th of January and the 6th and 20th February. Make a date, come and join us.

We are into that period of the year when it’s easier to see things in the night sky, particularly when the moon is new and the sky seems almost completely black. Sadly the weather often doesn’t help much, with cloudy or rainy nights just at the time when there should be something worthwhile to see. So, we have a group app that helps us keep in touch, ready to rush out away from the cosy log fire and into the cold outside, all at a moments notice (in theory).

If you would like to actively join in, email us at Our next Stargazers meeting will be in the New Year, so keep an eye on the village website: for dates and times. Happy Christmas and New Year.

Going for a walk
If you want a breath of fresh air and some exercise, check out the Inkpen walks, but keep your distance from others, that's at least 6 feet apart in old money. If you feel that you should wear a face mask when outdoors, then checkout the design given on the News page.

On the news page this month there are a number of updates including from the Inkpen Primary School and pre-school, from the Playing field trust and Village Hall, and there's this months Police Report .

Climate change issues.
The IMPFT, the playing field trust, is in the process of installing solar panels and a key entry system. The trust, chaired by Brian Cox, is aware of the need to reduce its carbon footprint and is making what progress it can. The solar panels are clearly there to reduce the trust's reliance on fossil fuel energy, and to feed whatever extra is generated back into the grid. The key entry system is there to make sure energy is only consumed when the facilities are in use. Many of you are choosing to adopt private energy saving measures - the trust is focused on trying and do the same.

We are depending on renewables to help us get to net-zero carbon emissions. If you'd like to see what contribution renewables are making on a daily basis, have a look here.

Please give us a hand – Oak Trees in Inkpen
We need your help to measure oak trees. Measuring tree girths helps us to evaluate changes that have taken place in Inkpen and enable future researchers to evaluate the effect of climate change on tree growth and distribution. This is work of real value, be part of it. Go to to find out more.

What else do you need to know?

All council business is shown on the 'Council' page which is selectable via the menu at the top.

Speeding in Inkpen
Please follow the link to find out what you can do to help. Click here.

Learn How To Save A Life
Please come along to the Inkpen pavilion to learn how to use the Inkpen defibrillator – this simple action could make the difference to save a life in an emergency – either the life of a child or the life of an adult. By using the defibrillator before the ambulance arrives you can significantly increase the chance of survival – the defibrillator is sited at Inkpen Pavilion – act quickly in an emergency, use the defib. and CPR.

Join us at Inkpen pavilion of Friday 15th November 2024 at 7pm when Dave Lester will lead a session on 'Defibrillator Awareness'. Please email if you can attend to:

Mobile Library Dates are: The mobile library van has books for all ages and all capabilities. It will call at Inkpen on 17th December. The van stops at: Craven Rd. Inkpen 2.20-2.50pm and at Inkpen School at 3.05 – 4pm. Books are the stuff of dreams and the experiences of lived lives.

Sadly this mobile library service is scheduled for closure in April 25. This is said to be due to the high cost of an electric replacement vehicle for the library van. Hopefully the library in Hungerford will stay open.

If you want to, go on line and order your books, or ask the staff for help in locating the books for you.

Thames Valley Police
Thames Valley Police are keen for your help in reporting any areas where you feel unsafe in the District. There is a new pilot service called StreetSafe hosted via the Met Police website where issues can be reported. StreetSafe is a service for anyone to anonymously tell the police about public places where you have felt, or feel unsafe, because of environmental factors e.g. vandalism and/or because of certain behaviours e.g. being followed or verbally abused.

Please make reports via the following link: StreetSafe | Metropolitan Police (see at the end the home page where is says: ‘No – Continue to StreetSafe’) Please note that StreetSafe is not a replacement for reporting crime or incidents this should still be done via 101 or online.

Dog Warden:
If anyone has issues with dog fights, dog fouling etc etc. the Public Protection Partnership has arranged for the animal warden to be contacted on 01635 519171 to discuss specific issues or problems that you may have.

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Updated 14th Sept 2023
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